Personal Information |
Full Name:
Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?
Are you 21 years old or older?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
If Yes, please explain:
Note: A conviction record will not necessarily exclude you from employment.
Factors such as age at the time of offense, rehabilittion efforts, lenght of time since offense,
and nature of the crime will be taken into consideration.
For what position are you applying:
Are you able to lift 40 lbs?
If applying for a driver’s position,
have you been involved (even if you were not at fault)
and/or charged in a motor vehicle accident/violation
in the last five years (DWI, Moving Violation, etc.)?
If hired, when could you start work?
Education |
Employment |
References |
Please provide two personal references who have supervised you on a previous job.
Please note that if you use friends or family as professional references,
your application will no be considered complete. |
Reference 1 |
Business Phone Number:
Reference 2 |
Business Phone Number:
Additional Qualifications |
Please list any other training, skills, education, etc. that you feel should be considered. |
Acknowledgement |
By entering your name and date below, you acknowledge that your answers are true and complete. You also acknowledge and consent that your information will be used to conduct a background check by an outside firm, and, if hired, any false or incomplete statements in this application will be grounds for immediate discharge. |
Conscent |
By entering your name and date below, you agree (a) to participate in a drug screening of specimens of your urine, hair, or blood and submit it for pre-employment, random, reasonable-suspicion drug testing, or reasonable-suspicion alcohol testing; (b) a labratory to test the specimen and make the results of the test availalbe to us; (c) us to use the test results in any legal action to which you are part or in which your conduct is material; and (d) us to share the test results with others for legitimate business purposes related to your application or employment. |
By entering your name and date below, you acknowledge that the results of the test, if confirmed positive, will remove you from consideration for employment. |
If you refuse to consent, you will be removed from consideration of employment. By entering your name and date below, you agree if employed by B&B Pecan Processors of NC, Inc. to abide by the terms of our policies concerning drugs and alcohol in the workplace and, when required, to submit to testing for drugs or alcohol. You acknowldge that submission to such testing is a condition of employment with us, and disciplinary action, up to and including discharge, may result if (1) you refuse to consent to such testing at any time; (2) you refuse to esecute all forms as are usually required to such testing; (3) you refuse to authorize release of the test results to us. |
Enter the single word from this image which describes a color:
 Word: |